Christine Baranski, Yo-Yo Ma Come Out for World Science Festival

Poison Ivy had one of the coolest experiences ever Wednesday night (and no, we’re not just talking about our run-in with the Jo Bros)!

One of the most fun & interesting events we’ve attended in awhile was earlier that night: the second annual World Science Festival at Lincoln Center!!

Monologues by Glenn Close, Christine Baranski (top photo), Alan Alda, Danny Burstein, along with a performance by Yo-Yo Ma (middle photo), were just part of the events goal: to marry science and art, and “ship science from the cultural outskirts to the cultural center,” the festival’s co-founder, Tracy Day, said.

The evening was also a celebration of the 80th birthday of the Pulitzer-prize winning E.O. Wilson, stark naturalist and environment pioneer.

But the coolest part of the night by far was a musician playing something called the “theremin.” It’s the only instrument ever invented that is played without being touched!!!! It works by syncing magnetic fields with antennas.

Check out a full list of events the World Science Festival is hosting this weekend here!

[Bottom photo by Marilyn Barnell]

One Response to “Christine Baranski, Yo-Yo Ma Come Out for World Science Festival”

  1. marilyn barnell Says:

    a terrific overview of the evening

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