Archive for the ‘81st Academy Awards’ Category

Who the F is this?

February 24, 2009

Looks like a mixture Penelope and Salma!!

Her name is Paz Vega.

Paz is a Spanish actress who got her breakthrough role as Flor in 2004’s Spanglish.

Now, she’s acting in several indie films, and hanging at the 17th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards party.
Way to keep it real, P!

Prince Covers Beatles at Oscar Bash

February 24, 2009

It was around two in the morning Monday when Prince treated guests at his annual post-Oscar bash to a two hour concert, chock full of covers like The Beatles “Come Together” and the Rolling Stones‘ “Honky Tonk Woman.”

“I’m here and you’re here, that’s all we need to start a party, right?” Prince asked, before diving into a shockingly awesome version of Jimmy Eat World’s “The Middle.”
The party’s guest list included everyone from the Oscar-nominated Taraji Henson to Alicia Keys, to any Prince fan who braved the admission line with $100 in their wallet.
Way to throw a party, P!

Sean Penn Wins Best Actor

February 24, 2009

“I know I make it hard to appreciate me,” Sean Penn joked, upon receiving his Oscar for Best Actor in Milk Sunday.

We don’t find it hard at all, Sean!

Mickey Rourke Ditches the Tux

February 23, 2009

Look how happy he is to be back in his regular threads!!

Oscar nominee Mickey Rourke ditches his tux for the Vanity Fair Oscar Party in West Hollywood following the ceremony last night.
U didn’t win an Oscar M, but you win at life!

Jessica Biel: From Bad to Worse

February 23, 2009

If you’re going to show up to the Oscars with no film experience, at least look good!!
Mary Camden wraps herself in a tablecloth for the Academy Awards last night.
Then, she attends the Vanity Fair after-party in a window treatment.
We know it’s a recession, J, but give us a break!

Who the F is this?

February 23, 2009

Why it’s Georgina Chapman

Chapman is the co-founder of fashion line Marchesa and wife of Miramax mogul Harvey Weinstein.

The 32-year-old caught our eye last night the Vanity Fair Oscar Party last night in West Hollywood, and maintained our attention when we learned of all her entrepreneurial accomplishments!!
Way to do it, GC!

Ben Stiller Parodies Joaquin Phoenix

February 23, 2009

Ben Stiller hilariously showed up to last night’s Academy Awards dressed as actor-turned-rapper Joaquin Phoenix.

Alongside a serious Natalie Portman, Stiller mocked Phoenix’s recent behavior during Late Night with David Letterman, nervously looking around the room and at times, even wandering off the podium!
The only thing that would have topped the act would be if Stiller decided to rap like Joaquin, too.

Heath Ledger Wins Best Supporting Actor

February 23, 2009

Heath Ledger‘s family (dad Kim, mom Sally and sister Kate) accept his award for Best Supporting Actor in The Dark Knight Sunday.

Said Kate:
“Heath, we both knew what you had created in the Joker was extraordinarily special, and had even talked about being here on this very day. We really wish you were, but we proudly accept this award on behalf of your beautiful Matilda.”

Bang Bang Lauren Conrad

February 23, 2009

Oh man.

Another one bites the dust.
LC debuts some skinny bangs at the Academy Awards Dinner & After-Party in Beverly Hills Sunday.

This is not a good look for u!!

Quote of the Night

February 23, 2009

“They called me. They said they have this incredible script and they want me to play Brad Pitt’s mother. What is that about? How can I play his mother? First of all, I’m black, he’s white. I believe I’m younger than him, but ok.

Taraji Henson‘s first thoughts when being asked to audition for Benjamin Button