Archive for the ‘American Idol’ Category

Quote of the Night

January 14, 2010

“Does this window open?”

Simon Cowell asked, upon hearing the tonedeaf Janet McNamara sing during the American Idol premiere Tuesday

Simon Cowell: "I’m Very Sad" to Leave Idol

January 12, 2010

It was a bittersweet start to American Idol‘s season nine, as judge Simon Cowell announced Monday that that this will be his last season on the show.

“I’m very sad,” Cowell told Ryan Seacrest during a call to his radio show Tuesday. Cowell explained he will be leaving Idol to focus on launching the American version of his UK show The X Factor this fall, where Cowell will serve as both judge and executive producer.

“I’ve always wanted to bring this other show over here,” Cowell told Seacrest. “At one point I was going to do both. But you know about overexposure, Ryan. You can’t be on TV too much.”

“I have had the best 8 or 9 years of my life doing this show,” Cowell later Tweeted.

Where Are Jason Castro’s Fans?

November 5, 2009

We must admit, we were pretty shocked to hear that American Idol Season 7 contestant Jason Castro was on a mall tour.

We’re talking about the fourth place winner of the most watched show on television!!!!!

Castro played a show Thursday night at Sawgrass Mills Mall in Sunrise, Florida, which garnered some 50 guests and lasted for about 30 minutes.

50 guests???

What happened to the people who went nuts anytime Castro got on stage during season seven? Not to mention, the show was free!

Castro played Idol hits like “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” “Hallelujah,” and also rocked his own singles “Love Uncompromised,” and “Let’s Just Fall in Love Again.”

Too bad barely anyone was there to see it!

[Photo by Jennifer Lauren]

Daughtry Does New York

July 16, 2009

In celebration (/promotion) of their newest record, Leave This Town, out now, Daughtry hit NBC’s Today Show for some jams Tuesday morning!

“We were able to take all the time in the world to make [this record],” the American Idol alum told Matt Lauer. “Our fans were very patient. The day has come.”

Very patient, indeed!!

It took the boys three years to make this record!

Check out one of our favorite Daughtry jams, “It’s Not Over,” above.

Idol’s Carly Smithson Reforms Evanescence

June 19, 2009

American Idol season seven finalist and Irish vocal powerhouse Carly Smithson will be fronting The Fallen, a new rock group that includes three original members of Evanescence.

We didn’t want to see Amy Lee go, but if she must, Carly seems like the ideal replacement!!

Guitarist/songwriter Ben Moody shares our sentiments:

“It was just clear to me that we had found our better half,” he said, of uniting with Smithson.

Check out the band’s first single, available for free download Monday, at

New Default Alert

June 11, 2009

Now that she’s landed her own record deal with 19 Recordings, girl is keeping up appearances!!!

17-year old American Idol third runner-up Allison Iraheta looks ravishing in purple, red and black.

Default it up, A!

Video: Adam Lambert’s "Mad World" Soundcheck

May 28, 2009

First, we gave you a taste of American Idol winner Kris Allen‘s NBC Today Show performance Thursday morning.

Now, it’s Adam’s turn!!!

Check out an exclusive snippet of Adam Lambert‘s soundcheck of “Mad World,” from Thursday’s Today Show, above.

That voice is even more incredible live!!!

Now somebody turn up this guy’s mic!

Kris and Adam Hit New York

May 28, 2009

American Idol winner Kris Allen and runner-up/rock prodigy Adam Lambert hit NBC’s Today Show in New York this morning to greet fans, rock their greatest AI hits, and talk about the scandals surrounding the competition.

“We’re such different artists that there’s no way to compete directly,” said Lambert, who showed up in snakeskin shoes and a full face of makeup.

In regards to the AT&T scandal, the soft-spoken Arkansas native Allen brushed it off.

“I didn’t call up AT&T and say hey, I need some more votes,” he laughed. “You’re always going to get some [criticism].”

“I rolled my eyes when I heard about that,” Lambert added.

Check out Allen’s performance below, a fierce acoustic cover of Kanye West‘s “Heartless,” while Lambert rocks out stage-right.

Quote of the Day

May 26, 2009

“If I went to a psychiatrist, it would be a long session. I’ve always thought that I do have a number of issues that probably need dealing with, because I am quite odd in some ways. I get very dark moods for no reason.”

Simon Cowell admits

Queen Considering Adam Lambert for Singer

May 23, 2009

American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert performed with Queen on the AI season finale Wednesday night, and the 27-year-old’s singing chops were so impressive that the band is now considering him to be their frontman!!!Link

“Amongst all that furor, there wasn’t really a quiet moment to talk,” says Queen guitarist Brian May. “It’s not like we, as Queen, would rush into coalescing with another singer just like that. It isn’t that easy. But I’d certainly like to work with Adam. That is one amazing instrument he has there.”
Lambert seems equally enthused about the idea!!!
“Queen is one of my all-time favorite bands,” he says. “I would love to work with [them].”