Archive for the ‘Chelsea Handler’ Category

Quote of the Night

September 24, 2009

“She’s not playing the victim! The press plays the victim for her. All the stories about her- ‘She’s so lonely.’ Please! She’s having the time of her life! She goes to Mexico every other weekend with her girlfriends, while Angelina and Brad shuffle their kids across country. Would you rather wake up with a margarita or eight children?”

Chelsea Handler says of Jennifer Aniston

Quote of the Night

February 19, 2009

“I prefer fat over thin. At least that’s something to hold onto. It’s like skinny babies. Nobody wants to hold a skinny baby. They’re mean.

Chelsea Handler, on why fat is better than skinny

Quote of the Night

February 16, 2009

“The Stevie Wonder thing at the Grammys really sent me over the edge. I mean, that poor guy had no idea who he was performing with.”

Chelsea Handler, on the Jonas Brothers Grammys duet with Stevie Wonder