Archive for the ‘Christian Bale’ Category

James McAvoy Surfaces at Empire Awards

March 30, 2009

It’s been too long!!

James McAvoy surfaces at the Empire Awards in London Sunday with the award for best sci-fi superhero in Wanted.
Also earning trophies during the ceremony were Christopher Nolan for best director of The Dark Knight, Christian Bale for best actor, The Dark Knight for best film, Helena Bonham Carter for best actress in Sweeney Todd and Russell Crowe, who earned the Actor of our Lifetime Award.

Christian Bale Flips Out on Movie Set

February 3, 2009

We always suspected Christian Bale was a nut.

Now we have the proof!!!!
TMZ has posted audio from the set of Bale’s latest flick, Terminator: Salvation, where the former Batman is recording going apeshit on director of photography Shane Hurlbut after he apparently walked through a set while Bale was filming!
“I want you off the fucking set, you prick!” Bale begins. 
Then, he takes a turn for the worst.
“I want to fucking kick your fucking ass, if you don’t shut up!” Bale says.
Um. I believe that’s a threat!!
Shane, call your lawyer!!! And Bale, call your closest anger management facility!!!!