Archive for the ‘Dwayne Leary’ Category

Video: Kelly Clarkson Fires Her Guitarist During Performance

December 31, 2009

This is one of the most ballsy moves we’ve seen in some time!!!

A video of Kelly Clarkson firing former guitarist Dwayne Leary during a 2005 concert in Portland has surfaced – and it’s MF amazing!

Leary makes a motion to the crowd that Clarkson doesn’t like during a performance of “A Moment Like This” (at the 00:57 mark), and she proceeds to fire him (at the 1:22 mark). She even incorporates the incident into the lyrics!

“Tonight is Dwayne’s last night cause he just got fired!” Clarkson sings, during the chorus.

Clarkson then addresses the incident in a speech to her fans (at the 2:48 mark), citing, “I’m gonna pray for you Dwayne cause you’re gonna need it! You’re gonna need it when I get off this stage! Cause nobody, nobody messes with my fans! Am I right?”

Love this girl!