Archive for the ‘Emma Watson’ Category

Rain Won’t Go Away at Harry Potter Premiere

July 7, 2009

A little rain didn’t stop their parade!

The cast of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (pictured: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson) hit the premiere at London’s Odeon Leicester Square Tuesday night looking all-smiles.

Even in spite of the weather malfunction!

That Emma Watson is so elegant with her umbrella!

Harry Potter Begins Filming

April 21, 2009

Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint were spotted filming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I Tuesday in London!

Little Emma sure is looking like K-Stew these days!

Quote of the Day

April 11, 2009

“I actually think going to university will make me a better actress. The experience of living like that, working to deadlines, living with other students. It’s all the things I want. There are actresses who don’t know about things like doing their own laundry and getting a bus. I’m not going to be like that.”

-Emma Watson