Archive for the ‘Fritz Helder and the Phantoms’ Category

Nelly Furtado Starts Label, Reveals Indie Dreams

March 16, 2009

Singer Nelly Furtado is ready to embark on her latest venture, an independent music label called Nelstar.


Electro/indie act Fritz Helder & the Phantoms will be the first group to sign to the label, which has strong ties with Furtado because two of them used to be her back-up dancers!
“I think it’s best to start off an indie,” Furtado explains. “I always secretly wanted to be an indie artist. When I was a teenager, I loved Ani DiFranco and hoped I could do something like that.”
Yeah, cause every aspiring indie artist collaborates with Justin Timberlake and Timbaland!
Best of luck, anyway!