Archive for the ‘Garbage’ Category

Shirley Manson Cameos at No Doubt Concert

July 28, 2009

When Shirley Manson performs, Poison Ivy studies!

And takes notes!!

And watches on repeat!!!

So naturally, when footage of the Garbage frontlady performing with No Doubt in L.A. Monday night hit the web, we freaked!

Check out this clip someone posted of the 42 year-old bombshell rocking with Gwen Stefani on the band’s newest jam “Stand and Deliver,” above.

Do you love as much as us???

Quote of the Night

March 14, 2009

In the unlikely event that I die or become brain damaged, can I just say that I have had the most wonderful life and can’t think of a lovelier way to have lived than to live creatively and have people like you lot support me in that endeavour.”

Shirley Manson writes on her Facebook page, prior to going into surgery