Archive for the ‘Gordon Parks’ Category

Russell Simmons, Patti Smith Hit NYC Gala

June 3, 2009

It’s a great day to be a New Yorker!

Especially when Russell Simmons and Patti Smith are talking shop at the Gordon Parks Awards Foundation Gala Tuesday night!!

“I haven’t written a music note in awhile,” Simmons tells me, when I tell him about my music blog Poison Ivy.

But Simmons is still very much in the music loop with Globalgrind, his fantastic hip-hop site we told you about back in January.

“We’ve grown 400 percent in the last six months,” the Def Jam mogul says.

Patti Smith was much less talkative, tip-toeing her way around the black tie event in a pair of blue jeans and a sports coat.

“Who’s that woman being photographed?” a pair of dressed up glitterati asked me when I snapped this pic.

“Don’t stare too long,” I said. “That’s Patti Smith.”