Archive for the ‘GQ’ Category

Quote of the Day

March 13, 2009

“OK. I f—ed Joe Jonas. I love him.”

Robert Pattinson joking about a rumored love triangle between him, Camilla Belle and Joe Jonas

Justin Timberlake Digs Kate Moss

February 17, 2009

Justin Timberlake was named “Most Stylish Man in America” in the March issue of GQ.
No surprise!
But when the interviewer asked who JT’s favorite style icon was, that choice was shocking!
Kate Moss, JT said!!

“She looks good in anything. She would look good in one of your T-shirts, in her T-shirt, in a man’s suit, in a huge gown. She even makes nude look stylish. That, to me, is a style icon.”

Great. So make your move already!!
And lose the broad while you’re at it!!