Archive for the ‘Harlow Madden’ Category

Kingston Hits the Park

February 25, 2009

Watch out, Harlow Madden!

Kingston Rossdale, 2, hits the park in Beverly Hills Tuesday with nanny.
K looks like a lil punk warrior!
So fierce!

Harlow Visits The Beckhams

February 22, 2009

Watch out, Honor Marie!

Harlow Madden is back on the scene!
The one-year old, along with daddy Joel, hit Cruz Beckham‘s 4th birthday party Saturday in Los Angeles.
Too early to fix these two on a playdate????

Harlow Madden is Delicious!

February 10, 2009

Watch out, Olive Cohen!!!!

Harlow Winter Kate Madden, 13 months, and daddy Joel Madden take a stroll in L.A. Sunday.
Check out Harlow’s hot pink jumpsuit and tie-dye diaper bag!!!! 
Very psychedelic, H!!!!