Archive for the ‘Heath Ledger’ Category

Heath Ledger to Release Two Posthumous Music Videos

March 17, 2009

Two music videos directed by Heath Ledger before his unexpected death in January 2008 will be released this year.

The videos are for Modest Mouse‘s “King Rat,” and Grace Woodroofe‘s cover of David Bowie’s “Quicksand.”  
Says Modest Mouse singer Isaac Brock:
“My fiance and some of us in the band went out on a boat with [Ledger] and his family and friends and talked about the idea. The idea sort of dropped, but then he just sent me an email saying that he wanted to do it.”

Heath Ledger Wins Best Supporting Actor

February 23, 2009

Heath Ledger‘s family (dad Kim, mom Sally and sister Kate) accept his award for Best Supporting Actor in The Dark Knight Sunday.

Said Kate:
“Heath, we both knew what you had created in the Joker was extraordinarily special, and had even talked about being here on this very day. We really wish you were, but we proudly accept this award on behalf of your beautiful Matilda.”