Archive for the ‘James Franco’ Category

Muse Rock Saturday Night Live

December 21, 2009

It’s a fantastic night to be a New Yorker!!

Especially when you’re snowed in – and James Franco is hosting Saturday Night Live with rockers Muse!

Check out the band playing “Uprising,” the first single off of 2009’s The Resistance, above.

James Franco Getting Studious

April 3, 2009


James Franco arrives on the set of his latest flick, Howl, where he plays a bookish (and sexy) poet.

Looking a lot more studious than the last time we saw you, J!

James Franco Caught Snoozing in Class

March 11, 2009


This pic just made our day!!

Columbia University student James Franco was snapped snoozing in class Tuesday.
At least he showed up, right??