Archive for the ‘Jay Leno’ Category

Four Years Later: Blink-182’s First TV Appearance

May 20, 2009

Blink-182 visited The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Monday for their first TV show appearance since their hiatus four years ago!!!

Here’s a vid of the performance, “The Rock Show,” off 2001’s Take Off Your Pants and Jacket.

We gotta say, this was one of our favorite Blink singles!!!!!

Quote of the Day

May 3, 2009

“That’s like a rich person’s condition. Poor people that work – they don’t get exhausted. Only rich people get exhausted. It’s an embarrassing thing.”

Jay Leno explaining his hospital visit

Eric Bana’s First Love: His Ford GT Falcon Coupe

April 29, 2009

Australian actor Eric Bana stopped by the Apple Store SoHo Tuesday to talk shop about his directorial debut: an indie doc about his first love, a Ford GT Falcon coupe, appropriately titled Love the Beast.

“Everyone has a beast in their lives,” Bana told guests during the one-hour Q&A. “Whether it’s a car or a computer or going to the gym…. This was my chance to put my head on the chopping block.”

Bana, who’s starred in blockbusters such as Munich and Black Hawk Down, says he understands the effort needed to put a smaller film on the map. Especially when that map is the Tribeca Film Festival.

“I’m really thrilled and appreciative to be at Tribeca,” Bana said. “I’ve acted in a lot of smaller films… (so) I know how lucky I am to be here.”

The film, which features appearances by Dr. Phil and Jay Leno, premieres at Tribeca tonight, but check out an exclusive clip of Bana below, talking about a crash that totaled his Falcon and nearly cost him the movie. (“Tony and I went into a tree head-on at about 50 mph,” he says.)

[Photo by Jeanine Onischuck]

Prince Debuts New Jam on Tonight Show

March 26, 2009

Prince visited The Tonight Show Wednesday for night one of a three-night stand.

Each night, the legend plans to debut one tune from each of his upcoming three discs, and last night brought us “Old School Company” off of Mplsound.

What did u think of the tune???

Simon Cowell Denies Obama for Dinner

March 26, 2009

On Tuesday’s Tonight Show, American Idol‘s Simon Cowell revealed that he recently denied a dinner invitation from President Barack Obama.

Said Cowell:
“He wanted to do eight, I was free at nine and we just didn’t quite connect.”
Good to know you treat everyone like shit, not just AI contestants!
Update: Simon Cowell stated on March 26’s episode of American Idol that the statements he made about snubbing Obama for dinner on The Tonight Show were “a joke,” although, upon playback, he seemed awfully serious!!

Obama Apologizes for Special Olympics Joke

March 20, 2009

On last night’s Tonight Show, President Barack Obama compared his poor bowling skills to that of an athlete with disabilities.

“It was like the Special Olympics or something,” Obama said, citing a recent score of 129.
Realizing what he had said, Obama immediately phoned chairman of the Special Olympics Tim Shriver after the show and apologized for his words.
“He apologized in a way I think was very moving… very sincere,” said Shriver on Good Morning America Friday.
“Words hurt, words do matter,” Shriver added. “[But] he thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world.”