Archive for the ‘Jonasmania’ Category

Jonasmania at the Trump Hotel!

June 11, 2009

It’s a fantastic day to be a New Yorker!!!!

Especially when, on a bored Wednesday, you’re walking by the Trump Hotel in Central Park and the MF Jonas Brothers are hanging outside!!!!

“Nice thighs!” one fan screams to middle bro Joe Jonas, who recently made waves with this tightly-outiftted version of “Single Ladies” by Beyonce.

“Thanks,” Joe says. You can tell he gets this comment ten times a day.

“I’ve been here since the morning,” the girl later tells me. It’s now close to 11 p.m. But she’s not alone. 50 or so girls are standing behind her, rehearsing what they’ll say when Kevin comes over. Or what they should have said to Nick. Or how early they’ll be getting up on Friday for the bros Good Morning America appearance.

It’s Jonasmania.

And the boys?

Completely cool.

They take a minute to say hi to fans, snap a photo with Poison Ivy, and then head upstairs to their rooms to zonk out for the night.

“Nope,” says Nick, when I ask if he’s heard of raging NYC entertainment blog Poison Ivy.

“But it sounds familiar!” he jokes, alluding to the Jo Bros recent single with the same name.

One day, boys.

Stay tuned!