Archive for the ‘JR Martinez’ Category

Brian Williams Honors J.R. Martinez, Van Toffler at Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America Gala

November 11, 2009

In honor of Veterans’ Day, Poison Ivy was privileged to attend Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America’s Third Annual Heroes Gala at Gotham Hall in New York Wednesday night.

It was quite a departure from what we usually cover, but we have to admit, it was arguably our most important event to date.

Brian Williams served as the night’s host, sharing experiences he had during his visit in Iraq, and addressing the tragedy in Fort Hood: “It’s a terrible, terrible wound we’ve suffered,” he told the crowd of hundreds of war veterans.

Iraq Veteran J.R. Martinez (middle photo) and President of MTV Networks Van Toffler (bottom photo) were also honored for their contributions by NFL Analyst Chris Mortensen and Afghanistan Veteran Westley Moore, who reinforced IAVA’s mission throughout the night: to provide mental, communal and governmental support for veterans, while serving as the “nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan group for Iraq and Afghanistan vets.”

Students from New York’s PS 22 district then hit the stage for an acoustic performance, which included Rihanna & Jay-Z‘s “Run This Town!” So awesome.

Check out IAVA’s new PSA, which debuted last night, here, and do your part to take action today.