Archive for the ‘K-Swiss’ Category

NYC Gets Bass-heavy

June 19, 2009

If you were overwhelmed by the Jonas Brothers fans at the Today Show, then the girls at the K-Swiss Classic Remastered Party featuring Ed Westwick would have probably set you over the edge!!

Hoards of shrieking ladies showed up to the NYC Bloomingdale’s on 59th St. Thursday night, cameras in tow, to check out a glimpse of their favorite Gossip Girl womanizer as he promoted the release of the K-Swiss Classic Remastered sneaker.

The girls had been lining up for hours beforehand, the first 50 even shelling out $70 for the sneaker so they could get a photo with C-Bass himself!

DJ Josh Madden provided the tunes, which were amazing sixties rock anthems like “I’m a Believer,” “Barefootin’,” and “Gimme Some Lovin’.”

It sort of made the night feel like Beatlemania!

Or Bassmania?


[Photos by Jeanine Onischuck]