Archive for the ‘Kim Cattrall’ Category

Sex and the City 2 Trailer: "You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet"

December 23, 2009

The first trailer for Sex and the City 2 has debuted with color and fashion and a world of promise, but it doesn’t tell us much about the forthcoming flick, which will hit theatres on May 28.

In it, narrator Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) says: “It’s been two years, and in two years, amazing things can happen.”

The trailer then shows snippets of a wedding (Stanford Blatch/Anthony Marantino?), the four girls on a Meditteranean vacation (this explains their filming in Morocco last month), and more of the same designer clothes, sick apartments, and brunch sessions we’ve seen for a decade.

It’s all fun and frills, but where’s the plot??

We weren’t huge fans of the first Sex and the City film, but at least there was action!

In 2, it appears Samantha (Kim Cattrall) has moved back to the city (no surprise there), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) is happily still with Steve, and Charlotte (Kristin Davis) is still channeling Susie Homemaker, as she bakes cupcakes with her daughter. All while Alicia Keys/Jay-Z‘s “Empire State of Mind” happily whistles in the background.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Parker tells us, closing out the trailer.

That’s for sure!

Quote of the Day

August 3, 2009

“I had a great time when I was young and still feel youthful. But I’ve no desire still to look as if I’m in my 20s. I don’t want to look in the mirror and see The Joker from Batman staring back.”

Kim Cattrall says, citing her feelings on plastic surgery