Archive for the ‘Kris Allen’ Category

Video: Adam Lambert’s "Mad World" Soundcheck

May 28, 2009

First, we gave you a taste of American Idol winner Kris Allen‘s NBC Today Show performance Thursday morning.

Now, it’s Adam’s turn!!!

Check out an exclusive snippet of Adam Lambert‘s soundcheck of “Mad World,” from Thursday’s Today Show, above.

That voice is even more incredible live!!!

Now somebody turn up this guy’s mic!

Kris and Adam Hit New York

May 28, 2009

American Idol winner Kris Allen and runner-up/rock prodigy Adam Lambert hit NBC’s Today Show in New York this morning to greet fans, rock their greatest AI hits, and talk about the scandals surrounding the competition.

“We’re such different artists that there’s no way to compete directly,” said Lambert, who showed up in snakeskin shoes and a full face of makeup.

In regards to the AT&T scandal, the soft-spoken Arkansas native Allen brushed it off.

“I didn’t call up AT&T and say hey, I need some more votes,” he laughed. “You’re always going to get some [criticism].”

“I rolled my eyes when I heard about that,” Lambert added.

Check out Allen’s performance below, a fierce acoustic cover of Kanye West‘s “Heartless,” while Lambert rocks out stage-right.

Quote of the Day

May 21, 2009

“It’s ok, Adam [Lambert] didn’t win [American Idol] because Americans hate gays. That’s ok, you f–king homophobes, u can have ur cute mediocre singer [Kris Allen].”

Adrianne Curry Tweeted

Danny Gokey Gets the Ax on Idol

May 15, 2009

It was a sad but slightly predictable night on American Idol Wednesday, as Milwaukee church music teacher Danny Gokey got the ax, leaving heartthrobs Kris Allen and Adam Lambert to duke it out during the two-night finale next week.

Katy Perry made her preference painfully obvious during a performance of “Waking Up in Vegas” that featured an Elvis costume and cape with an “Adam Lambert” insignia.

We have to admit, we’re with KP on this one!!