Archive for the ‘Marilyn Manson’ Category

Marilyn Manson Threatens the Press

July 28, 2009

You can’t make this shit up!!!

Marilyn Manson has threatened the press via his MySpace blog, citing “if one more ‘journalist’ makes a cavalier statement about me and my band, I will personally or with my fans help, greet them at their home and discover just how much they believe in their freedom of speech.”

A threat via the internet??

That’s sooo balls out!

Manson is of course referring to a recent interview with founder Travis Keller, as recounted by LA Weekly writer Erin Broadley, in which Keller calls Manson the “Antichrist Supertard” and claims the goth star is obsessed with cocaine.

“If we need a nude photo of me to prove that I am far different than the soon-to-be-murdered-in-their-home press has decided to fabricate, that is easy,” Manson continues. “But I dare you all to write one more thing that you won’t say to my face. Because I will make you say it. In that manner. That is a threat. Mm”

We’re shaking in our combat boots!!

Quote of the Day

May 28, 2009

“Track two is called “Pretty as a Swastika.” It’s something I said to a girl because of her complexion – with black hair, red lips and pale skin. I mean, it was a complex and poetic comment that soon led to intercourse, so I felt no reason for it to be seen as confusing, hateful and destructive. The record label [told me], Take it off the album. Rather than do so, I decided to produce it on the inside of the sleeve with a different name, so it’ll be sold in Wal-Mart or wherever stores sell guns but are afraid to deal with lyrics. So I put “Pretty as a ($)” because all of their motivations are based on money.”

Marilyn Manson tells Time

The Return of Manson

March 23, 2009

Marilyn Manson is back!

The 90’s shock rocker has announced his return to the arena with a new look and record, The High End of Low, out this May.
Says Manson:
“The record [name] sounds very final, but it’s almost optimistic – though that feels like a strange word to use. It’s a phoenix from the fire and a redemption resurrection.”
Glad u tagged that extra line on there, MM!
U were almost sounding normal for a second!

Quote of the Day

March 20, 2009

“He’s been in touch a little. The apologies come, and he was like, ‘I made a big mistake.’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, yeah. I know. Go ahead and say what you need to say to feel better and to sleep at night.”

Dita Von Teese to Marilyn Manson