Archive for the ‘Matar Cohen’ Category

Project Runway Meets Project Migration

November 12, 2009

We had a great time at the Project Migration and RedLight Children Wine Tasting at The Gates in New York last night. Project Migration sells clothing and fashion accessories, then donates the proceeds to single mothers and their families in Africa.

So it was exciting to not only be a part of the cause, but to see other folks supporting them too!

One supporter we caught up with was Project Runway model and Models of the Runway star Matar Cohen (even more beautiful in person)!

We chatted with Cohen – in Hebrew of course – about her upcoming projects, affiliation with Project Migration, and (what else?) Israel.

“I was supposed to be there for a month but ended up staying for three,” Cohen laughed, of her latest trip to the homeland. “[I view] New York as the place for my career, and Israel as my vacation.”

But she adds she’s been working on projects that will keep her in the city for some time, especially after her designer Gordana Gehlhausen was eliminated on Project Runway last week.

“It’s a secret for now,” she says, about her projects. “But I think I’ll be in New York awhile.”

[Photo by Julio Gaggia]