Archive for the ‘Megan Fox’ Category

Kate Beckinsale: Sexiest Woman Alive?

October 5, 2009

Don’t get us wrong: Kate Beckinsale is a fox.

The woman is beautiful, looks just as good at 36 as she did at 26, stole our hearts during Serendipity, and has a freaking ten-year old. We acknowledge.

But Sexiest Woman of 2009??


When was Beckinsale’s last decent movie? 2006’s Underworld? We know it wasn’t the nightmare that was Click.

To boot, her most recent film, Whiteout, was called a “studiously mediocre little thriller” by the New York Times. Ouch!

So what’s the deal??

We think Sexiest Woman Alive should have gone to someone sexy AND relevant. Maybe someone who’s “sexiness” actually got some decent screentime this year!

Our vote would have been the stunning Diane Kruger, who was unapologetic and beautiful in Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds. Megan Fox, too, was more deservant of the title than Beckinsale, although we find her acting talents a little less applaudable.

What do u think?

Who deserved the Sexiest Woman Alive title in 2009???

Quote of the Day

May 7, 2009

“[George Clooney] is sarcastic, and he has a different girlfriend constantly. It’s considered charismatic. He’s like this James Bond, sexy dude. The older he gets, the better he gets. It’s a double standard. To be outspoken, or different at all, is a problem for women. As soon as you curse or, God forbid, make some sort of sexual reference that’s a joke, you’re [labeled a party girl]. They don’t do that with men, so I feel it would be a lot easier.”

Megan Fox says, about the Cloonster

Flashback: Megan Fox

February 21, 2009

Are those frecksies????
Megan Fox, back in 2004, attending the 11th Annual Rock the Vote Awards.

She was just 17 when this picture was taken!!
