Archive for the ‘Mischa Barton’ Category

New Default Alert

April 23, 2009

Who’s that pretty lady in the peacock slip???

Why it’s none other than Mischa Barton, window-browsing in London!
The last time we saw M it was a less-than-classy scene!
If you’re on Facebook, Mischa, default it up!

Quote of the Night

March 15, 2009

“[I play] a bitchy model-type character. Like, it’s a totally different character for me.”

Mischa Barton, on her role in the CW’s new Ashton Kutcher-produced show A Beautiful Life

Mischa Plows On

February 18, 2009

A dozy-looking Mischa Barton hits the G Star Fashion Week show in New York Tuesday.

What’s a matter Misch???
No crack drink today??

Mischa’s Energy Crisis

February 16, 2009

A lucid Mischa Barton was spotted leaving a Fashion Week party Sunday night, sipping on energy drink Lucozade

Scary bottle, M!
And scary expression!
Is that shiz even FDA-approved???