Archive for the ‘Molly Malaney’ Category

Bachelor Jason Mesnick Proposes to Melissa, Changes His Mind

March 3, 2009

It was a scandalous finale on last night’s The Bachelor, when single dad Jason Mesnick proposed to Melissa Rycroft during a romantic finale in New Zealand, then dumped her for runner-up Molly Malaney on the reunion show.

“After we got back into the real world, all of a sudden, we had less to talk about and I didn’t know why,” Mesnick explained to host Chris Harrison. “There was a part of me that wanted things to work out with Melissa so bad. But the other piece was I had these crazy feelings for Molly.”
In the end, it seems that Mesnick got what he wanted. 
He ended it with an angry Melissa (“You are such a bastard,” she said), and the swooned-over Molly was willing to give their relationship another go. (“We have a lot to talk about,” she noted.)
Who will be the next contestant to vie for love???