Archive for the ‘Montreux Jazz Festival’ Category

Prince to Debut New Tunes at Montreux Jazz Festival

July 14, 2009

It’s a great night to be a New Yorker!

Especially when you get granted an impromptu interview with MF Prince!!!!

Poison Ivy ran into the music icon at New York club Butter Monday night. And he was not difficult to spot!!

The artist showed up wearing an all-black suit, crystallized sunglasses and a bedazzled cane. He came and left alone, occupied an entire booth, and sipped on Perrier while shooing girls in and of his table.

Really can’t blame the fellow!

P.I. walked up and asked what Prince was up to in NYC and he said, “I’m here to see West Side Story.” And when we asked if he was planning to release any new tunes, Prince said “I’m playing all new songs at Montreux Jazz Festival.”

So cryptic. And phat.

Montreux happens Saturday in Switzerland, folks. Don’t forget to post your footage!!

Lauryn Hill, B.B. King, Black Eyed Peas to Play Montreux Jazz Festival

April 3, 2009

“Expect the unusual,” says founder Claude Nobs, of the 43rd annual summer Montreux Jazz Festival July 3-18 in Geneva.

Nobs has kept his promise thus far, as he delivered a killer lineup this morning that included B.B. King, Herbie Hancock, the Black Eyed Peas, and MF Lauryn Hill!

We forgot about her for a minute!!!

Hill’s last public appearance came in October 2008 at a book signing, but her last public performance was in August 2007 at a free concert in Brooklyn.

Cited to see what she’ll be like, after all this time!!!