Archive for the ‘Natalie Portman’ Category

I SPY NY: Natalie Portman, Emeril Lagasse and More

December 10, 2009

I spy in NY…

Natalie Portman freezing on the set of Black Swan with costar Vincent Cassel at Lincoln Center Monday (top photo), Emeril Lagasse earning the Lifetime Achievement Award at 12th Annual Food Allergy Ball at the Waldorf Astoria Monday night (middle photo), Gossip Girl star Sebastian Stan at Bode Miller‘s Tennis Fusion Challenge Monday (bottom photo), Josh Madden spinning at the Eldridge Wednesday, Rihanna cheering on her New York Knicks Monday night, and Elton John playing a private American Express show at Beacon Theater Sunday night.

Ben Stiller Parodies Joaquin Phoenix

February 23, 2009

Ben Stiller hilariously showed up to last night’s Academy Awards dressed as actor-turned-rapper Joaquin Phoenix.

Alongside a serious Natalie Portman, Stiller mocked Phoenix’s recent behavior during Late Night with David Letterman, nervously looking around the room and at times, even wandering off the podium!
The only thing that would have topped the act would be if Stiller decided to rap like Joaquin, too.