Archive for the ‘National Equality March’ Category

Lady GaGa Covers "Imagine" at National Equality Dinner

October 13, 2009

Last week, we saw Lady GaGa deliver a moving speech encouraging people to attend the National Equality March in Washington, D.C.

And when we saw this video, we were beyond excited to see her deliver on her promise!!

GaGa performed a cover of John Lennon‘s “Imagine” for HRC’s National Equality March dinner in D.C. Sunday night.

“I’m not going to play one of my songs tonight because tonight is not about me,” GaGa told the audience. “Tonight is about you.”


Lady GaGa Delivers Powerful Equality Speech After SNL Performance

October 5, 2009

Most musicians would probably be out partying after a Saturday Night Live performance with MF Madonna.

Not Lady GaGa!!

GaGa instead headed to Santos Party House in downtown New York around one in the morning Sunday, and spoke out at a gay rights event, encouraging guests to be a part of the National Equality March in Washington, D.C. October 10-11.

“If everyone in this room brought 10 friends [to the March],” Gaga explained, “just from this one night, there would be 10,000 more people marching.”

“I really believe in this cause,” she added. “I think that this is really an important weekend, and it’s not a fucking joke.”

Be sure to watch GaGa’s fantastic speech, above.

A special thanks to Josh Wood Productions for putting the event together and letting Poison Ivy be a part of history! Xo