Archive for the ‘Neko Case’ Category

Elvis Costello Cast in Stephen King/John Mellencamp Musical

January 5, 2010

Elvis Costello is the most recent cast addition to the forthcoming Stephen King/John Mellencamp musical, Ghost Brothers of Darkland County.

The play will focus on “domestic turmoil” and already features an all-star cast, including Neko Case, Sheryl Crow, Rosanne Cash, and Kris Kristofferson.

T-Bone Burnett will produce a three-disc soundtrack to accompany the musical, and Costello will play “the role of a Satanic character.”


Look for the play this September at Atlanta’s Alliance Theater.

Neko Case Shakes New York

April 17, 2009

We have to admit, we were kind of late to realize the phenomenon that is Neko Case.

And by “kind of,” we mean about 15 years.

Poison Ivy saw the soulful, roots-rock songstress for the first time Tuesday night at Nokia Theatre in New York, after Case had already dawned nearly a two-decade solo career and extensive history with the New Pornographers.

Baring a haunting, earthy alto, and a bantering stage manner that won’t quit (“Sometimes it’s hard to woo on a Tuesday, so thanks for bringing it. You like how I’m all street? Bring it,” she told the audience), the bluesy redhead belted nearly two hours of songs, including “Prison Girls,” “Maybe Sparrow,” “The Pharaohs” and “Don’t Forget Me.”

She’s a modern-day Patsy Cline, we thought, while exiting the venue.

“Ur always so sweet to us, so thanks for letting us play for you, New York,” Case said, to close the show.

Thank you, Neko!!