Archive for the ‘Rappers turned Rockers’ Category

Lil Wayne Goes Rock?

January 26, 2009

Lil Wayne was arguably the biggest rapper of 2008. 

So what in tarnation is he thinking switching to rock in ’09????
If the shoe fits, Weezy!!!
According to his publicist, Weezy’s next record, Rebirth, due April 7, will be a completely rock album. Drake, a rapper on Weezy’s label, confirmed that notion, citing that Weezy wanted to do something different to “throw individuals off.” Kinda like Kanye.
While I sort of applaud the guy for changing up his formula, I have to wonder, does he even have singing chops?? 
If not, does he plan to rap-rock his way through it?? Kevin Rudolf style??
I’m so cold. And scared.