Archive for the ‘Rob Thomas’ Category

Quote of the Day

September 23, 2009

“i forgot how oppressively hot florida can get. the humidity goes through your clothes and into your soul.”

Rob Thomas Tweets

Rob Thomas Hypnotizes New York

July 4, 2009

It was a MILFtastic morning on the Today Show Friday!

Between the “Marry me, Rob!” posters and canine-frequency shrieks, u would have thought Rob Pattinson was scheduled to appear!

But alas, former Matchbox Twenty frontman Rob Thomas emerged, to chat, perform three songs and Tweet about the “Today Show love” he received.

“There’s a lot of my love of the eighties [on the record],” Thomas said, of his latest album Cradlesongs, which came out Tuesday.

We didn’t particularly think “eighties” when we watched Thomas perform his first single, “Her Diamonds.” But maybe we were as hypnotized as the ladies (and gents!) in the crowd.

Check them out, above.