Archive for the ‘Sean Penn’ Category

Jim Carrey, Sean Penn, Benicio Del Toro to Play Three Stooges

March 26, 2009

Jim Carrey, Sean Penn and Benicio Del Toro have been cast in the upcoming Farrelly Brothers adaptation of The Three Stooges.

Penn will play Larry, Del Toro will play Moe, and (no surprise) Carrey will play Curly.
Production will reportedly take place this fall, with a 2010 release scheduled.

Legislation Announced For "Harvey Milk Day"

March 4, 2009

Recent Oscar winner Sean Penn attends a press conference Tuesday, where California Senator Mark Leno announces legislation to create a Harvey Milk Day in California.

Way to commit, Sean!!

Madonna Exhibit Opens in London

February 24, 2009

For the first time in history, over 300 of Madonna‘s personal items have been put on display, in a London exhibit titled “Simply Madonna: Materials Of The Girl.”

The showcase features everything from a cone-shaped Jean-Paul Gaultier bustier (pictured) to the singer’s personal American Express card, to her 1989 divorce papers with actor Sean Penn
Awesome, and kind of creepy at the same time!

Sean Penn Wins Best Actor

February 24, 2009

“I know I make it hard to appreciate me,” Sean Penn joked, upon receiving his Oscar for Best Actor in Milk Sunday.

We don’t find it hard at all, Sean!

Quote of the Day

February 16, 2009

“I’ve had things linger: accents, stuff that you get so in the habit of doing. I wondered about it with the Harvey Milk stuff. Am I going to be walking like this?”

Sean Penn, thinking he might get into his Milk character and never get out