Archive for the ‘Svend Lerche’ Category

Talking Shop with The Daylights

April 17, 2009

Poison Ivy ran into melodic rock trio The Daylights at the New York stop of their U.S. tour with Katy Perry last week, and fell in love with their cinematic style and boyish good looks. They sort of reminded us of an American version of Coldplay, with the grunge and ferocity of The Bravery and The Killers. After their stellar, extremely well-received set, we chatted with brothers Ran (guitars/vocals/keys) and Ricky Jackson (bass/vocals/guitar) and drummer Svend Lerche (above) to see what all the commotion was about.

PI: What’s the best thing about touring with Katy Perry?
SL: The reception. A lot of her audience is really young, so many of them are at their first concerts.

PI: Is that a good thing?
SL: I think so. [The bill] is a nice mix, between her being a pop singer and us [being] a rock band.

PI: Is Katy cool? Does she hang? She seems cool but sometimes that’s just a facade.
SL: Katy is great. We all went bowling last night at Lucky Strike, and even though she had to wake up early for a radio interview, she still comes out. Yes. Katy parties.

[Photo by Jeanine Onischuck]