Archive for the ‘T Bone Burnett’ Category

Elvis Costello Cast in Stephen King/John Mellencamp Musical

January 5, 2010

Elvis Costello is the most recent cast addition to the forthcoming Stephen King/John Mellencamp musical, Ghost Brothers of Darkland County.

The play will focus on “domestic turmoil” and already features an all-star cast, including Neko Case, Sheryl Crow, Rosanne Cash, and Kris Kristofferson.

T-Bone Burnett will produce a three-disc soundtrack to accompany the musical, and Costello will play “the role of a Satanic character.”


Look for the play this September at Atlanta’s Alliance Theater.

Elvis Costello Plots Summer Tour

April 3, 2009

Rock legend Elvis Costello has added a few stops to his one-month summer tour!!

Beginning May 2 in Memphis, the trek will pass through New York June 10, Bonnaroo June 13 and close out June 19 in Telluride, CO.

The tour is pegged to Costello’s upcoming release, Secret, Profane Sugarcane, out June 2.

Check out a full list of dates here!

Elvis Costello Returns to His Roots

March 23, 2009

For Elvis Costello‘s June 2 release, Secret, Profane Sugarcane, the icon returns to the studio with producer T Bone Burnett, the man responsible for two of Costello’s late 80’s classic records, King of America and Spike.

Costello has also called on a slew of Bluegrass musicians for Sugarcane, including a song he collaborates with Emmylou Harris on, and two jams originally written for him by Johnny Cash.

Check out the full track list here.