Archive for the ‘The Joshua Tree’ Category

John Mayer Strips Down, Talks Jennifer Aniston in Latest Rolling Stone

January 20, 2010

John Mayer strips down on the latest cover of Rolling Stone, also opening up about his two-year off-and-on relationship with actress Jennifer Aniston.

“I’ve never really gotten over it,” the singer says. “It was one of the worst times of my life. What would I be saying to Jen, who I think is f—ing fantastic, if I said to her, I don’t dislike you. In fact, I like you extremely well. But I have to back out of this because it doesn’t arc over the horizon. This is not where I see myself for the rest of my life, this is not my ideal destiny.”

Mayer also adds that he is looking for “the right person,” but he doesn’t put it so eloquently.

“Do you think it’s going to take meeting someone who I admire more than I admire myself?” Mayer ponders.

“But isn’t it also about a beautiful vagina? Aren’t we talking about a matrix of a couple of different things here? Like, you need to have them be able to go toe-to-toe with you intellectually. But don’t they also have to have a vagina you could pitch a tent on and just camp out on for, like, a weekend? Doesn’t that have to be there, too? The Joshua Tree of vaginas? …I’ll be happy when I close out this life-partner thing. Think of how much mental capacity I’m using to meet the right person so I can stop giving a f–k about it.”