Archive for the ‘The Maine’ Category

Video: The Maine Cover Def Leppard’s "Pour Some Sugar on Me"

November 28, 2009

What a night!!

After we got done chatting with The Maine‘s Garrett Nickelsen and Pat Kirch, we trekked over to New York’s Nokia Theatre to watch the boys open up for Cobra Starship and Boys Like Girls.
The Maine were a little more immature onstage than we had imagined…. Example? When singer John O’Callaghan asked guitarist Jared Monaco if he remembered “when that girl threw a Jolly Rancher onstage and it hit my wiener.”
“Gross,” Monaco replied.
The show was still good fun though, with the boys playing jams like “Girls Do What They Want,” “Into Your Arms,” “Everything I Ask For,” and a fantastic cover of Def Leppard‘s “Pour Some Sugar on Me.”
Check it out, along with O’Callaghan’s salute to Poison Ivy (around the 00:20 mark), above.

The Maine Talk New Record, John O’Callaghan’s "Arrest," and Filming My Super Sweet 16

November 26, 2009

It’s two hours before Arizona-based rockers The Maine will be on stage at New York’s Nokia Theatre Tuesday night, and guitarist Garrett Nickelsen and drummer Pat Kirch are standing in front of Junior’s Times Square talking about the band’s forthcoming record.

“We have like 30 songs,” Kirch says, adding that the band is “going to take our time with this one.”

The Maine say they expect to start recording sometime in early 2010, and have no doubt that the sound will be their own.

“It’ll be metal!” Nickelsen jokes, before transitioning into a more serious topic: the now-infamous “arrest” of singer John O’Callaghan.

“He wasn’t actually arrested,” says Kirch, clearing up the YouTube controversy.

“John was signing [autographs] in the street with a bunch of kids around him, and the cop got an ego trip and threw him against the tree and put him in handcuffs. They let him go like five minutes later,” Kirch explains.

“People with cameras made it look more fierce than it actually was,” Nickelsen adds.

“As [John] says, he was ‘cuffed, not booked’.”

But the band maintains they’re not too worried about what people tell them to do. Just look back to their appearance on MTV’s My Super Sweet 16 last year.

“MTV was trying to get a juicy story out of us,” Kirch says. “They were like trying to get us to say stuff that wasn’t true, but we weren’t doing that. I was bummed when I watched the show cause they like made it sound like [the 16-year old] was this bitch.”

“The girl was super nice,” Nickelsen adds. “Instead of getting a present, she gave $25,000 to a charity. MTV didn’t show that.”

By Courtney Atias

[Photo by Danielle Zfat]

The Maine Frontman John O’Callaghan Arrested

November 8, 2009

The Maine frontman John O’Callaghan was arrested after their concert Thursday night in Ft. Lauderdale for refusing to follow a police officer’s orders to get out of the street when a group of fans bombarded him.

One fan who witnessed the arrest wrote into Poison Ivy to tell the story.

“Around 11 p.m., after Boys like Girls performed, everyone went outside and John O was mobbed by a bunch of girls who wanted autographs from him. This took place in the road, next to the sidewalk. The [police officer] told John to get out of the road and to go onto the sidewalk or else he would be arrested. John was trying to yell at the girls in the nicest way possible to get onto the sidewalk so that he wouldn’t be arrested. The girls didn’t listen because they wanted to take pictures with him. John spoke back to the cop saying he wasn’t going to move. The cop then walked John across the street and pushed him against a tree and handcuffed him. All the fans ran alongside to see what was happening and could not believe what was going on. I only remember John saying ‘Are you serious?’ He was extremely upset about the situation and did not know why he was getting arrested. Neither did anyone.”

Check out the video above to watch a portion of the arrest, and the most “Noooooo’s!” you’ve ever heard in your life.