Archive for the ‘Tila Tequila’ Category

Stalker Breaks Into Tila Tequila’s Home

April 14, 2009

This is so horrible!!!

An obsessed fan allegedly broke into Tila Tequila‘s home Monday morning, smashing many of her possessions and even locking her dog in the trunk of her car!!

The stalker then falsely posted on Tila’s Twitter:

“Tila Tequila is dead… I just broke into her house, killed her and her dog. Logged onto Twitter to tell you guys. She was signed on already. Tila Tequila is dead.”

Around four that morning, TT cleared the air:

“This is Tila. I am deeply sorry for the earlier post about me being dead. I don’t know who logged into my account and wrote that… but someone did indeed break into my house. It’s been a very scary night for me. it’s 4:10am now and have been dealing with it all… Too much has happened. I am scared, exhausted and drained but I am ok! Want to apologize to my fans who were worried about me… Im moving into a different house very soon because I have a stalker who is very much so endangering my life at the moment….I love u all… Then I found my dog locked in the trunk of my car!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been crying all night. This is f—– up. I’m sad and shocked and bye…Im still shaking and crying! My dog in the trunk of the car, house is shattered, everything is smashed! I’m staying at a friend’s house 2nite.”

Feel better, TT!

Let’s get this guy behind bars!!!!

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