Archive for the ‘Twitter’ Category

Tweet of the Night

January 29, 2010

“More people would watch the State of the Union Address if President Obama introduced a new gadget at the end. Just saying.”

John Mayer Tweets

Tweet of the Day

January 28, 2010

“Big sales are really only great if you’re a size zero or 14.”

Sarah Silverman rightfully Tweets

Tweet of the Night

January 26, 2010

“Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep. Sleep tight everyone!”

Joel Madden Tweets

Tweet of the Day

January 25, 2010

“There is always gonna be someone who doesn’t want you to win at life. And I say screw that guy.”

Paramore‘s Hayley Williams Tweets

Tweet of the Night

January 25, 2010

“Off to the SAG awards. The wife is presenting. I’m wearing a scarf Paul McCartney gave me at the Globes. I couldn’t feel cooler.”

William H. Macy Tweets

Tweet of the Day

January 23, 2010

“Dear plane ride home, please don’t be offensively turbulent for the next five hours! Luv, a passenger needing sleep.”

Aubrey O’Day Tweets to her plane

Tweet of the Day

January 22, 2010

“Good Morning Fam! True freedom is not about getting what we want all time, but not getting it and remaining happy”

Mary J. Blige Tweets

Tweet of the Night

January 22, 2010

“i can’t means, you dont want it enough.”

Ricky Martin Tweets

Tweet of the Day

January 20, 2010

“Drove by a car dealership w/ a huge sign saying ‘Our best deals of the year.’ It’s Jan 19th, how good a deal can that be?”

Ivanka Trump Tweeted yesterday

Tweet of the Night

January 19, 2010

“Sometimes I clench my butt to the rhythm of a song.”

Rivers Cuomo shares