Archive for the ‘UNICEF’ Category

Rihanna Covers Bob Marley for Haiti

January 21, 2010

Rihanna performed a moving cover of Bob Marley‘s “Redemption Song” on The Oprah Winfrey Show Tuesday, announcing that all proceeds of the song will go to Haiti relief organizations such as the American Red Cross, UNICEF, Oxfam America and Partners in Health.

“This song, for me, any time there was a difficult situation… it’s so liberating,” Rihanna said, on the show.

“Even now, I listen to it when my back is up against the wall. I feel the people of Haiti need to hear something inspiring.”

Check out the jam above, and click here to make your contribution through iTunes.

Wyclef Pleads for Help after Earthquake Shakes Haiti

January 13, 2010

Wyclef Jean is pleading for help after a 7.0 earthquake plagued his home country of Haiti Tuesday.

“Haiti today faced a natural disaster of unprecedented proportion, an earthquake unlike anything the country has ever experienced,” Jean wrote on his website, of the largest earthquake the Caribbean island has seen in over 200 years.

“I cannot stress enough what a human disaster this is, and idle hands will only make this tragedy worse,” Wyclef continued.

“The over 2 million people in Port-au-Prince tonight face catastrophe alone. We must act now. President Obama has already said that the U.S. stands ‘ready to assist’ the Haitian people. The U.S. military is the only group trained and prepared to offer that assistance immediately. They must do so as soon as possible. The international community must also rise to the occasion and help the Haitian people in every way possible.” 

While no numbers have officially been reported, officials predict the Haiti earthquake death toll to be in the thousands.

Please visit the UNICEF website to make a donation today.

Nicole Richie Debuts Baby Bump

March 24, 2009

U’ve come a long way, baby!

Former party girl/Lady GaGa copycat Nicole Richie shows off her second baby’s bump at the Richie-Madden Children’s Foundation Benefit sponsoring UNICEF Monday night.
All in the name of a good cause, we suppose!