Archive for the ‘Whitney Houston’ Category

Adam Lambert Kisses a Boy at American Music Awards

November 23, 2009

It wasn’t the best performance of the night (that spot is reserved Lady GaGa‘s glass-shattering rendition of “Bad Romance” and “Speechless,”) but it will certainly be the most talked about!

Adam Lambert hit the stage at the American Music Awards Sunday night for an energetic, borderline sex-show version of latest single “For Your Entertainment” that included shoving a male dancer’s face into his crotch, dragging a female dancer around the stage by her shoe, and making out with a male keyboard player.

“Female performers have been doing this for years — pushing the envelope about sexuality — and the minute a man does it, everybody freaks out,” Lambert later said, perhaps referencing Madonna and Britney Spears‘ liplock back in 2003.

“We’re in 2009 — it’s time to take risks, be a little more brave, time to open people’s eyes and if it offends them, then maybe I’m not for them,” he adds. “My goal was not to piss people off, it was to promote freedom of expression and artistic freedom.”

We totally agree with Lambert about the double-standard, but he should also keep in mind that those performances are generally reserved for MTV! (ABC seemed to take note of this, editing certain thrusts out of their West coast broadcast.)

With the exception of GaGa and Lamby, most of the night’s performances were a snooze – Daughtry strummed through the motions during “Life After You,” Janet Jackson‘s lipsync-ed her way through her opening montage, and Jay-Z and Alicia Keys performed “Empire State of Mind” for the 548823th time.

Shakira was decent – performing new single “Give It Up To Me” with the help of a step team, and Whitney Houston‘s first live TV performance in five years (“I Didn’t Know My Own Strength”) was fine…

Scooping up notable awards were Jay-Z for Best Rap/Hip-Hop Male (“Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t,” the emcee laughed, during his acceptance speech), Michael Jackson (two awards, accepted by brother Jermaine), and Taylor Swift‘s three trophies via London satellite, including Artist of the Year.

Whitney Houston to Embark on European Tour

October 13, 2009

In the wake of her jaw-dropping GMA performance, Whitney Houston will be embarking on a European tour that begins April 8, 2010 in Manchester, UK!

“This is my first full tour since 1999,” Houston announced. “I cannot wait to perform songs from my new album along with favorites.”

For now, Houston has shows planned in the UK, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Belgium, but will be announcing more dates later this week.

When’s the U.S. tour Whit???

Video: Whitney Houston Rocks Central Park

September 1, 2009

It’s Whitney bitch!!!!

Whitney Houston made her triumphant return to television on ABC’s Good Morning America Tuesday. And while the actual episode will air tomorrow (Wednesday, September 2, at 8A), thousands of New Yorkers learned firsthand today that the queen of the night is back!!!!

Houston played four songs – “I’m Every Woman,” “Million Dollar Bill” (written by Alicia Keys), “I Turn to You,” and one song exclusively for the crowd – “My Love is Your Love.”

Of course Poison Ivy brought you a clip of the old school jam. You won’t find it anywhere else!!


Whitney Houston’s Sizzle Reel

June 7, 2009

Whitney Houston‘s comeback album is out September 1, bust here’s a little treat to get you pumped in the meantime!

Click above to check out Houston’s sizzle reel, complete with old school video clips and cheesy captions.

Whitney Houston to Launch Comeback

February 6, 2009

Music mogul Clive Davis has predicted that Whitney Houston‘s performance at his Grammys party Saturday will be one that launches her comeback.

Bout time, Whit!!!
Davis spoke about new music Houston is working on, namely a song called “I Look to You” with R. Kelly and a solo ballad, “I Didn’t Know My Own Strength.” You can expect to hear these songs on the radio shortly after the big performance!!
Any guesses on what she’ll perform???
“Queen of the Night” seems appropriate!