Archive for the ‘Zooey Deschanel’ Category

Zooey Peeved About Looking Like Katy

April 3, 2009

We all see the similarities between actress Zooey Deschanel and singer Katy Perry.

Unfortch, Deschanel isn’t too pleased about them!!!

“It’s a little bit annoying, to be totally blunt,” Deschanel said recently. “The only similarity that we have is that we look a little bit alike.”

Just a little bit???

U guys are MF twins!!

“To be honest, it’s starting to get a bit bizarre,” Deschanel adds. “I used to get, ‘I heard you were out at such-and-such club drinking whiskey!’ [when ] I was at home watching TV. I think we lead very different lives… It’s sort of strange to be associated with someone that’s doing such different stuff than me. It’s weird.”